Saturday 4 August 2012

A Summer Garden Party

Recently my parents held a garden party at their home and I helped my mother cater the event.

It was a lovely day with around 50 family and friends and we were so lucky to have the sun come out and stay out.

The idea was I would take lots of photos and share with you what I cooked up, well I started of well but when you are catering for so many people you just get lost in the moment and it was only after it was all gone that I remembered my camera.  (Don’t forget I am new this blogging as it was new years resolution)

So a lot of my recipes don’t show the finished product, but it must have gone well as there was nothing left by the end of the day.

I also set myself the challenge as to use as much as possible from the garden. 

We also got the Chocolate fountain out for the day the kids were a little surprised when the fruit came out, I think they believed it was just marshmallows that you cover in chocolate. 

1 comment:

  1. The photos on your site Lou are great!
